Building defects

NSW Building and Construction – Chandler's #hashtag led revolution

September 8, 2022

If you are a developer or builder (anywhere in Australia)and you’re not following #DavidChandlerOAM on LinkedIn, you really don’t have a clue what’s about to happen to you.

In case you really haven’t been paying attention, Chandler is the #NSWBuildingCommissioner, a force to be reckoned with, and almost singularly responsible for changing the face of building and construction inNSW. In my opinion, his work will have such a marked effect on the quality of residential apartment buildings in NSW, that other states and territories will follow his lead (eventually).

What’s remarkable about the commissioner’s approach is his use of social media to change behaviour. It’s long been a practice of corporate regulators to take on a big name and issue a press release after a successful conviction to send a warning to others in the game. but Chandler takes this to the next level by posting to LinkedIn in real time about his activities.

Take for example his post 3 days ago about his #AnyWhereAnyTime inspections last week in Wollongong. In it he reports –

·     8 out of 9 building sites inspected were unsatisfactory

·     One site got an immediate Stop Work Order

·     Many will now get RBA and DBP Act Declared Design audits

·     He will be back soon for a Blitz on another 5sites that have already been identified

·     Developers and builders will have to return to site to fix defects under a new initiative called Project Intervene

·     He’s returning to Wollongong in October for a ‘NameAnd Shame’ TownHall

·     Intending Apartment Purchasers should seek out an iCERT independent rating from any developer and builder

·     The female toilet in the Blaq site is not on level ground! (photograph provided in the header)

It’s exhausting just reading about the visit.

Chandler is a shrew political operator. You can be sure that he’s taken advantage of his recent resignation and reappointment (following the sacking of the responsible minister) to extract some new powers. I suspect he will also have taken measures for the protection of his patch to follow the increasingly likely change of government next year.

If you are a developer or builder of residential high-rise apartments and you don’t know what the #hashtags are saying, or why they’re wielding such power, find the nearest #millenial and interrogate them. Quickly.Because though we’d all rather you checked your legal, ethical and safety obligations first, Chandler’s profile is an eye-opening first pit stop.

Michael Teys advises strata management businesses on improving profitability through professionalisation and streamlined operating systems.
He has more than 30 years’ experience as a strata lawyer and academic and has owned 11 strata management agencies throughout Australia. He has a Master of Philosophy (Built Environment) and Bachelor of Laws. He lectures and writes widely about strata management issues in Australia and internationally.