
Hi, I’m Michael.

The founder and principal of Michael Teys Strata Advisory. 
We help strata management business owners and managers improve your profitability and reclaim your private life. 
We do this two ways... LEARN MORE

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Michael Teys

We do this two ways - 

1. Firstly, we teach strata managers how to sell like trusted advisors. 

2. Secondly, we develop operating systems so you and your team have time to live a little.

So, what do I know about running a strata management business? 

There was a time when I was a specialist strata lawyer and owned 11 strata management businesses around the country. I had a dream of providing a national one stop shop for strata owners. 

Turns out it was a terrible idea and the business failed miserably. But here’s one of many things I learnt from the experience – ‘people act the way they’re paid and get paid the way they act’. Let me explain;

In the morning, I worked as a lawyer. In the afternoon, I worked as a strata manager. Same guy, same office, same expensive Italian suit. But, in the morning, I was paid $600 per hour. In the afternoon, I was lucky if I was paid $60 per hour. 

The difference? In the morning, I acted like a professional. A trusted advisor. I had a distinct body of knowledge I was able to present with confidence. I had studied law for years and been trained in the practice of law by mentors. I believed in myself and what I had to offer. I was respected. And if people didn’t want to pay what I charged, I was fine with that. There were plenty that did.

In the afternoon, I acted like servant rather than a master. The was little quality education available about the art and science of strata management. I had no rigorous systems or standards to apply. I felt like I was always chasing my tail. I was seldom on the front foot. I was spoken to rudely. And I was afraid to put up my fees. 

For all that experience, I still believe strata management is fundamentally important to society. Just as important as law, medicine, engineering, and accounting. Just different.  An emerging profession. One whose time has come. 

Done well, strata management has a positive impact on the lives and well-being of the people who live in apartments and townhouses. Done poorly, it hurts people and the built environment. 

We help strata managers value what they do and learn to deliver, and properly price, value.

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Released every Saturday.