Nothing motivates an owner or tenant to take an interest in strata more than wanting to start work on renovations to their lot… tomorrow. This might be the first time they encounter the inner workings of an owners corporation.
A good Standard Operating Procedure for processing lot owner work approvals will anticipate this. It will provide plenty of information on how to make a request. You can save a lot of time processing applications by creating a form with required information. If you insist this is completed before you start the preapproval process, it will reduce email traffic and save time.
This preview is an extract from our SOP for processing renovation requests from lot owners. It features two of the eight sections of the SOP – a description of the task, and common roadblocks and solutions.
Some of these roadblocks, and the solutions, might seem obvious. But, in the busy day-to-day running of a strata management business, it can be easy to put off the work around solutions…. until tomorrow. Then you are under pressure, working late to get them done at the last minute, and you are more likely to make a mistake.
If you would like to learn more about our Complete Standard Operating Procedures System, book a free 30-minute call with me to discuss your needs.