This week we reviewed Levy Collect by Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers and recommended it to our client who had significant arrears to collect.
We liked Levy Collect for number of reasons -
- The platform is easy to read and use.
- The collection process is clearly set out and you can set up your own new matters in the system to reduce email traffic.
- Any time you want to report to your clients you don’t need emails; you can simply go on line and see for yourself where the case is at in real time.
- The service is run by long time professional debt collection managers with qualified solicitors available for those relatively few cases that are defended.
- The platform will shortly be integrated with our clients operating software, Urbanise for an even more streamlined exchange.
Levy Collect operates nationally, so check it out.
Disclosure - We do not have any commercial or beneficial relationships with any suppliers we recommend or profile in The Strata Professional.